Ellio Performance

Monitor Progress Towards Organizational Goals in Real Time

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Meet Ellio Performance

Across the country, organizational leadership routinely struggles to foster a performance culture that is outcomes-based. That's why we're excited to introduce Ellio Performance, a cloud-based software program that helps organizations stay on track and move forward by tracking multiple customized performance indicators in real time.

Track progress towards specific organizational goals and objectives

Ellio allows utilities to monitor progress towards specific strategic goals and objectives, such as reducing hold times in the call center or tracking work order completion times. It also provides industry benchmark comparisons, so organizations can see how they stack up against their peers.

Accountability and seamless collaboration with your different stakeholders

With Ellio, you can assign leads responsible for the various aspects of your strategic plan, plan actionable steps toward progressing your plan, and track measurable outcomes of your organization's performance. Clear and simple dashboards and reports provide high-level status and make it easy to identify and drill down into areas needing attention.

Common questions about Ellio Performance

What types of organizations is Ellio Performance designed for?

Ellio Performance serves organizations of all sizes, including municipalities, utilities, and private companies. You don’t even need a formal strategic plan; if your organization has measurable goals and objectives, you can use Ellio Performance.

Is Ellio Performance easy to use and update?

Yes, Ellio Performance is designed with ease of use in mind. The dashboard is tailored to each user's specific needs, and the software is intuitive and user-friendly. Updates are just a few clicks away by uploading data from other systems or through manual user data entry.

Can Ellio Performance be integrated with other software programs?

Yes, Ellio Performance can be integrated with other software programs in common use, including Microsoft Office, SCADA systems, billing software, work management systems, customer information systems, and others.

Is Ellio Performance secure?

Yes, Ellio Performance uses industry-leading security standards to ensure your data is safe and secure.

How is Ellio Performance priced?

Ellio Performance is a subscription-based service that is billed annually. With that subscription, your entire team can access the organization’s Ellio portal through unlimited user accounts for seamless collaboration and on-the-go use.

Book a demo

Learn more about where Ellio Financial can take your organization by booking a demo with us.
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